D-SOL Multi-Functional Winter formula is designed for severe winter conditions as well as all season use.
Cold weather is hard on a diesel. Idling and stop and go driving in winter causes soot buildup due to the lower operating temperatures. Soot is hard on a diesel engine and requires massive doses of detergents and other additives to keep the diesel clean under such conditions. In addition, it contains de-icers so that filters do not plug in severe cold weather. Use of this product reduces the need for purchasing number one fuel as D-SOL Multi-Functional Winter formula is good to 40 below zero. D-SOL Multi-Functional All Season Formula has a cetane improver for easier starting in cold weather.
For those demanding peak performance at all times, we recommend using D-SOL Multi-Functional formula and D-SOL Engine Oil Fortifier all year long as it will provide superior performance and maximum engine life. Nothing on the market will out perform this combination keeping your diesel engine in like new condition. Fleet testing has demonstrated a fuel economy up to 5%. D-SOL meets multiple passes on keep clean Cummins L10, and Peugeot XUD9. Outstanding for construction and other mobile equipment.