Follow manufacturers recommendations for the correct ratio for your application.
Ready to use in all oil injected two cycle engines, just fill injector tank. For two cycle engines that require mixing ProTecta 2 Cycle Oil with gasoline, mix at the following ratios.
16:1 Use 8 ounces ProTecta 2 Cycle Oil
24:1 Use 5 ounces ProTecta 2 Cycle Oil
32:1 Use 4 ounces ProTecta 2 Cycle Oil
50:1 Use 3 ounces ProTecta 2 Cycle Oil
1 Gallon of Gasoline
1 Gallon of Gasoline
1 Gallon of Gasoline
1 Gallon of Gasoline
1 Quart Containers of ProTecta 2 Cycle have a view stripe with ounces grid on label for easy measuring.