Do I need to use a diesel fuel conditioner? And if so, how often?
In 2006 the EPA legislated sulfur to be limited to a mere 15 parts per million in diesel fuel called ultra low sulfur diesel fuel. This marks the first change in diesel fuel in 50 years in the United States. Once this was initiated, diesel owners started seeing premature fuel pump failure, resulting in a major expense. The sulfated ash contained in the old fuel provided lubricity to the fuel pump. With this removed diesel operators started immediately experiencing problems. For this reason, you should use a diesel fuel conditioner that contains a lubricity additive like ProTecta Diesel Fuel Conditioner. Europe and Candada has been on ultra low sulfur diesel fuel for over ten years where this is brand new for the U.S. The U.S. standard on a test named BOCLe (Ball on Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator) ASTM-D6078 is a wear scar of 530 millimeters, however Europe and Canada finds the U.S. standard to be too high and requires a wear scar of only 460 mm. For this reason ProTecta has been formulated to meet the stricter European and Canadian standard. You should use a diesel fuel conditioner with each fill up.
Does ProTecta have an anti-gel?
Yes, ProTecta has special cold flow improvers along with a de-icer so fuel filters do not plug and shut down the vehicle.
Can I use ProTecta all season?
Yes, ProTecta is formulated to be used all year long. In winter due, to soot loading, detergents must be used at a much higher rate. Soot loading occurs during idling and short trips where the engine doesn't reach and maintain maximum temperature. ProTecta has concentrated detergents to keep your diesel clean and running in optimum condition.
I notice a lot of black smoke will ProTecta help?
ProTecta contains Cetane improvers to help fuel burn more efficiently in winter, improving mileage and reducing emissions. If after adding ProTecta you still see black smoke check your air filter as diesels must have clean air to run at its best.
How can ProTecta improve emissions?
By cleaning the injectors from being partially plugged ProTecta insures maximum burning, which reduces emissions in tests as well as improving mileage.
Has ProTecta been tested?
Yes, ProTecta meets The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), Engine Manufacturer's Association (EMA) and Truck Maintenance Council (TMC) requirements for injector cleanliness as measured by: Cummins L10 Injector Depositing, Peugeot XUD9 Test, Improved fuel thermal and storage stability, increase in cetane number, enhanced lubricity to extend fuel system component life, corrosion protection, Multiple Cummins L10 Injector Depositing Test Passes, Multiple Peugeot XUD9 Test Passes, Fuel economy improvement, reduce exhaust emissions, and reduction in fuel's cold filter plugging point (CFPP) and pour point.